An academic study called "On Behalf of a Moratorium on Prison Construction" argued that crime rates tend to be high when imprisonment rates are high. Therefore, it was concluded that crime would fall if incarceration rates could only be lowered.

About us

Who we are

We are a group of inmates, former and current who have served and still are serving time in the federal prison. We are professionals, mature, responsable and good idividuals even great people but once in our lives have taken some wrong decisions just like everyobody else, although our mistakes led us to the system. While in our solitude and mindfull reflection we have heard the call to take part in the reformation of the prison and justice system, therefore we responded. For who would know best and have a better understanding than someone who has been in one, going through it for 5, 20, 30 years and some of us are still counting. We are fully aware for we have experieced first hand what really works and what does not in this method we made a keen observation and even gathered stories and information from our co-inmates, experieces so we would be able to carefully study the whole process and improve it.

Our mission:

Our mission is to offer a well researched solution to fix the broken system of Prison and Justice. To put an end to vicious cylce of an inefficient incarceration procedure. Incarcerated parents will most likely beget future incarcerated children. About 90% of the law breakers have a lot of things in common and one major common denominator is an absent father figure. And being locked up will only make themselves absent father or mother to their kids. In which, chances are will cause these individuals to the same fate of breaking the law and will be put behind bars as well. Vicious Cycle. Second, the high rate of Recidivism is due to the insufficiency of the current programs. It's heartbreaking to witness some inmates been released and came back in less than a year. Vicious Cycle. We do believe in the purpose and function of the law which is not just to punish but to Rehabilitate. Unfortunately, the efficacy of the existing system to Rehabilitate and Reinstate the convicts back into the community has fallen short. The procedures have set them up for failure and to some, commit another mistake or worse is committing the same ones. Therefore, intensive and thorough modification is necessary.

Our vision:

Our vision is that the Day will come for our voices to be heard and be acknowledged. That we are still here, alive, have matured, have changed, and have been renewed. And that we are still fully functioning and competent to be able to contribute something “Life Changing“ to the community and to this generation. So many brilliant minds, creative, and innovative individuals even geniuses have been restrained for breaking the law for the first time. Not only their hearts and souls have been contained but their family as well together with their divine purpose even their destiny. This is not just about us inmates (the unheard voices) but about our families, especially our children and the future generation of this nation, and the human race, whose lives are truly at stake.

Our objective:

1) To establish an effective and proficient Rehabilitation Centers for law offenders with rigid trainings and programs strictly and professionally implemented. Instead of having Federal Prisons, we should have more Federal Rehabilitation Detention Centers with fully trained, professional and passionate staff or officers.
2) Lower the sentencing guidelines and abolish the mandatory minimum, most especially for first time offenders. Instead of Extreme Sentencing we should focus on Extreme Rehabilitation Programs. For it's not about the length or quantaty of time spent in the institution that truly affects the life of the individual but it's the quality time spent. Two (2) or five (5) years of Strict Rehabilitation is by far more effective than ten (10) to twenty (20) years of imprisonment under the normal, regular BOP programs. Therefore, the tax payers' money will be spent much wiser. Instead of spending $39,000 a year per inmate for 10 to 20 years, it can be cut down to 30%.
3) Support the inmates who are in need of assistance whether financially, emotionally, morally, and spiritually. Not only during their incarceration period but most importantly to aid them in assimilating back to the community, and make sure they will stay and not wonder off again from the righteous path.


Articles coming directly from current and former inmates and their families.

  • Extreme Sentencing Defeats its very Purpose (On the contrary, it creates more crimes and criminals).

    The purpose of long prison terms is to deter future law offenders and to prevent the convicted criminals from committing another crime. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is when someone is in the act of committng a crime, he doesn't take into consideration the consequence of his action. Rather, all he thinks of is the instant gratification, the pay off or the rewards that he is able to get on or off of it. When someone decided to do bad things, he doesn't think of the future but the immediate pleasure or needs that's being met right that moment. When someone drinks and drives he doesn't concern himself of the DUI charges, nor losing his Driver's License, not even going to jail. He only has in mind the moment's fun and enjoyment than being able to drive back home. For "Fear" is not the main motivating force that keeps a person from making bad decisions, but "knowledge" and "understanding" simply by being educated. The desired effect of "Fear" may work for a naturally obedient citizen but for law breakers, "Risk and the Sense of Adventure" are what motivates them. Therefore, fear will not be able to stop irrate bad behaviors but education and understanding certainly will.
    When an individual is sentenced for a long time, he loses his sense of purpose, the sense of doing good or better. They get numbed and get used to imprisonment. Once in their lives, a week of being in jail was like the end of the world, but now 5 years is just a walk in a park, 10 years is a long vacation, and 20 years is a temporary retirement."As the inmates would call it." Again, it defeated the purpose of long term sentencing.
    Secondly, crime rates actually tend to increase because more illegal activities are able to commit by both prisoners and their cohorts in the street. Since they are able to meet more law breakers while incarcerated and get to build a bigger network by recruiting and referring family and friends in the street, as well as their previous suppliers and customers. Now here is the cause and effect of the system, creating more criminals and more crimes whether they are aware of it or not, admit it or not, catch them or not.
    Last but not the least, since all types of criminals are mixed together, they cross learning more illegal activities. White collar crimes learn from drug dealers and vice versa. As we have seen, long sentencing defeats the very purpose it was put into effect.

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